Sunday, July 1, 2012

Wading Through the Memories

07/01/12  Wading Through the Memories

Today's a day where I officially clean out the other half of my garage.  It's long past due.  I ask myself why I've kept all this crap and nonsense for SO long.  Again, I say . . . it serves no purpose.  But making myself take the time to do it and do it right is a heavy burden and I've procrastinated for way too long.

Each day that I officially set news goals for myself and follow through I find my disposition is much more at ease.  I'm proud of myself when I follow through -- it feels good.

I question why I procrastinate.  What makes me want to hang on to all this nonsense.  I ask myself if I were in a better financial position would I still wish to hang on to all this junk and clearly my answer to self is NO.  That makes sorting through so much easier.  If I really needed it I would be using it already.  Perhaps it will serve a better purpose in someone else's life.  Pass it on.

Back to work, I go -- it's not getting done while I'm sitting here blogging.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Journey Through Faith

Saturday, June 30, 2012

As I continue on this journey -- set a new path -- I will share my story.  This is intended to assist others as I  grow and gain wisdom in life.

I have learned so much along the way.  I am reminded from time to time that I am NOT perfect (never thought I was).  We learn from one another.

Reminders to self:

Don't take others for granted.
Remember to show compassion towards others.
Be considerate of other's feelings.
Share the gift of love with others.
Remind others that they DO matter.

Let go of past hurts -- they no longer serve a purpose.

Spirit lives through each and every one of us.  Are we listening when Spirit gives us that gentle nudge?  When we hear something over and over in our minds do we understand that Spirit is trying to awaken our inner being to blossom and grow even further.  Sometimes these steps are painful but that does not mean the walk isn't worth taking.

SPECIAL NOTE:  Thank you LR for your continued love and support.  Your Mom knew what she was doing when she led our paths to cross.  All a part of her divine plan.  We've been through so much together and with each passing day our bond of friendship grows stronger.  I am forever indebted to you, my friend.  XOXO  Kat

Let the fun begin . . .